新的學期又開始了, 上課的第一天, 老師就提醒了我, 我的 blog 好久都沒更新了!! 想想也對, 自從換到這一家早晨看星星的公司, 每天沒日沒夜的工作, 也已經快要一年了. 這一年來幾乎所有的時間都花在工作上了. 真希望能夠有更多的時間, 來做一些有趣的事情:(
今天第一堂課, 老師分享了許多東西, 再加上好久沒有回來上課了, 感覺這次的上課內容真是精彩!!
首先豋場的是 "2009全球天文年" 的主題歌. 今年適逢伽利略首次使用望遠鏡 400 週年, 所以天文界有這個活動, 我覺得很讚! 天文年活動的主題歌, "Shoulders of Giants", 我覺得超好聽的, 尤其是歌詞超有意義!! 沒錯, 我們都是站在巨人的肩上. 由於有許多前人的努力, 我們才能看的更遙遠, 能夠對這個浩瀚的宇宙有更多的了解.
AstroCappella IYA 2009 song : Shoulders of Giants
Music and Lyrics by Padi Boyd
© 2008, The Johannes Kepler Project
It was a calm and cloudless night but it was all still a blur
A shaking of our Universe was just about to occur
It was Summertime... 1609
when Galileo used his telescope for the very first time
and he saw mountains and craters on the moon
and a Milky Way with thousands of stars
and he saw Jupiter, with four tiny moons
he was the only man on Earth that night who knew
That Copernicus was right
come outside with me tonight
and I can show you wonders of the world
to surprise and delight
I've got my telescope with me
just wait until you see
that on the Shoulders of Giants....
... we'll see beyond!
The world turns round and round now around 400 years have flown
since Galileo's telescope first focused the unknown
Now we use bigger glass to peer into the past
And we're discovering the Universe's secrets at last
And there are geysers on Saturn's icy moon
and planets circling hundreds of stars
while all the Universe expands like a balloon
from Galileo's tiny scope we've come so far
Galileo was right
when he looked out in the night
and he discovered wonders of the world
to surprise and delight
I've got my telescope with me
just wait until you see
we'll stand on the Shoulders of Giants...
And every step follows the one before
and opens up a new frontier to explore
our 'scopes are dancing in space to see the beauty and grace
Oh, Galileo would approve, that's for sure
And still for me and you we can join in on this too
Just climb up here with me where we'll see more
It's a calm and cloudless night come outside with me tonight
and I can show you wonders of the world to surprise and delight
I've got my telescope with me just wait until you see (oh, wait until you see)
we'll stand on the Shoulders of Giants (Galileo knew)
That Copernicus was right (Johannes)
Come outside with me tonight (Kepler found those)
and I can show you wonders of the world (planetary motions on the)
to surprise and delight (Shoulders of Giants)
I've got my telescope with me (And Isaac)
Just wait until you see (Newton found his)
we'll stand on the Shoulders of Giants (Universal Laws)
(He stood on the Shoulders of Giants...)
...to see beyond!
伽利略使用的望遠鏡, 是屬於前凸後凹的架構, 跟現在大家廣泛使用的克普勒式望遠鏡, 也就是雙凸透鏡的架構, 有很大的不同. 今天我們在課堂上, 也自己 DIY 了一副簡易的伽利略望遠鏡, 很有趣喔!!
DIY 望遠鏡的材料有 - 已經挖好孔的紙板:
以及兩組透鏡, 大的是凸透鏡, 用作為於物鏡, 而小的是凹透鏡, 用來當作目鏡.
再把紙板折好固定, 就是雙筒望遠鏡囉!! 這一個望遠鏡的倍率大約是 2~3 倍!
不使用時還可以折起來放口袋喔! 很方便~
拿它來看遠方的景物, 真的是有望遠的效果耶 !!